Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Douglas Airport noted for its quaint distraction

"With the latest terrorist incident over U.S. skies, air travelers are more on edge than usual and security lines are even longer," writes the Associated Press. "But if you're looking for something to distract yourself from all the worries and the waiting, a few airports actually offer unique attractions."

One of those is Charlotte Douglas International, thanks to its nod to the Southern way of passing the time.

"Pull up a rocking chair, make yourself comfy and set awhile. That's not the usual expectation at an airport, but the atrium at Charlotte Douglas International Airport in North Carolina is lined with trees and white wooden rocking chairs, just like what you might find on a friendly Southern front porch. The rockers were first placed in the atrium in 1997 as part of a photo exhibit called 'Porchsitting,' but they were so popular that they became a permanent fixture.

"The rockers, made by Portico Furniture, have now been installed in 16 other airports, including Seattle, San Diego and Dallas/Fort Worth."

(Image from AP/Charlotte Douglas International Airport)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those rocking chairs were made by the Troutman Chair Company. You can go to the following Charlotte Airport link to get the correct information.