Wednesday, July 09, 2008

BHI among 10 most scenic spots sans cars

"Gas prices, traffic, kids screaming in the backseat.... It's enough to make you want to get out and walk. So why not do just that?" asks Budget Travel. "At these 10 spots, there are no cars at all (unless you count golf carts)."

Among the 10 most scenic spots without cars is Bald Head Island.

"Bald Head has a rowdy past as a pirate hideout, but the island has since become a vacation-home haven. Old Baldy, as the island's lighthouse is often called, was what inspired Jeff and Tonya Swearingen to first visit Bald Head. Last year, they bought a second home there. 'We love having no cars and having the woods next to the beach,' says Tonya. ...

"Over 80 percent of the island's 12,000 acres is conservation land. The Bald Head Island Conservancy leads nature hikes and special walks to sea-turtle nesting sites ..."

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