Friday, September 22, 2006

The Passion of the Sweet Potato

Whether it's a casserole at Thanksgiving or a hand-held "pie" from Bojangles, the sweet potato is one of North Carolina's most versatile staples.

The Wilmington Star-News' Wilmington Magazine has a great feature article about various sweet potato recipes.

"The question down South is not 'Why would people want marshmallows on their sweet potatoes?' but instead 'Why would they not?'," the publication correctly asserts. "In an area where sugary iced tea pours like syrup and cake is but a vehicle for the frosting, something sweet with something even sweeter on top is a pure delight.

"Still, every year as fall stirs Thanksgiving thoughts, celebrity chefs bemoan marshmallow-topped candied yams and endorse sweet potato casserole covered with Parmesan cheese, bread crumbs or, heaven forbid, nothing at all. Even the N.C. Sweet Potato Commission tells readers at its Web site, “And just so you know, sweet potatoes and marshmallows are not married.” And well, perhaps they’re not, but they’re a darned good couple. ..."

Well, said.

Clicking on this link (and scrolling down a bit) will lead you to recipes for Contemporary Candied Yams (with streusel topping) and Cornwallis Yams. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am always looking for that great sweet potato recipe, and the Cornwallis Yams sounds like the one I would love to try. Thanks for making Thanksgiving easier. That one should be on the table on Turkey Day.